Sunday, June 1, 2008

Final Reflection

Blogging was something that gave me the opportunity to write out my thoughts. This gave me the chance to actually think about the things going on in the world and come out of my shell a bit. At the beggining it was a bit hard for me, as I am the type of person that can read through others blogs, but not write one for myself. As time went by though, I got used to it and now it has sort of become my weekly ritual. Reaching the 200 word mark was easy most times, but there were some times when it seemed hard at the begining, but as I started to write the blog, the words just came to me making some the blogs longer than 200 words.

The only thing that I disliked about blogging was that it was really slow for me to move through the cite. Loading each page took a long time for me, making it so that I usually could not look through others works as the page took to long to load and I got to frustrated to wait any longer. I think that it's only like this with my comp as when I go into blogger on another comp at the college, it works fine.

Overall blogging was a fun experience that started out as a necessity, but ended up a way to express my view points.