Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reflecting At The Halfway Point

I have learnt quite a few things this semester. About the enviornment, about how we are affecting it and about what is happening because of it: Global Warming.

I knew that global warming was taking place, but I never really knew how things were changing. The only change that I noticed was the change in wheather patterns all over the world. I never really thought much into how other places and other life forms were being affected by it.

For example, if I had not been taking this course I probably would not have found out about Antartica. I would not have found out about how a huge chunk of it just fell of. Why: Because I never really paid much attention to the science section and this news was in that section. This is part of global warming, but instead of making it the big deal that it is, they focus on entertainment more. Why: Because people care more about celeberties and politicians than what is happening around the world.

The pictures in the book "An Inconvenient Truth", showed me evidence on how the whole world is being effected and how fast everything is changing. By polluting the enviornment we are increasing the pace leading towards destruction and while we know it, not many are doing much about it.

Taking this course is also making me rethink my decision to go into Business. I'm not so sure if it would be the right field for me. After seeing all of the changes happening around us and how not many people are doing much about it, I want to try to do something. I am already doing little things like recycling my garbage, conserving water and electricity, but I want to start convincing other people to do the same thing. After all every little thing done affects the enviornment.

1 comment:

NancyP said...

I totally agree with you...i think that many of us know whats going on with global warming but many dont know how to act about it....